Development of Chinese Cataloging Standards in Progress

by Ben Gu, National Library of China


Chinese cataloging experts are busy with the drafting of the national standards related to library cataloging in 2008. As a Chinese counterpart of ISO TC46 (Information and Documentation), the National Documentation Standardization Committee (China) is responsible for the organization of Chinese national standards for bibliographic description. The last edition of the Bibliographic Description for Monographs (a national standard) was published in 2007, and the last edition of the Bibliographic Description for Ancient Books is now in the review process. In November 2008, the revised versions of the General Bibliographic Description and the bibliographic descriptions respectively for non-book materials, serials and electronic resources have just been completed, are in review procedures now, and are expected to be published in the next few years. The revision is based on the latest editions of the individual ISBDs and the ISBD Preliminary Consolidated Edition.

In China, national standards related to library cataloging are the basis for the drafting of Chinese Library Cataloging Rules, and experts responsible for the drafting of these national standards are catalogers from major libraries and scholars from library schools in China.

SCATNews : Newsletter of the Standing Committee of the IFLA Cataloguing Section, ISSN 1022-9841, Number 30 (December 2008), p. 3.

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