The First National Conference
on Library Cataloging was held in Wuhan, China, April 23-24, 2006. It was
jointly sponsored by the National Library of China and the Cataloging Committee
of the Library Society of China, organized by Hubei Provincial Library and
supported by Xinhua Bibliography. Among the 110 papers received by the
organizers of the conference, there are 21 prize-winning papers (3 for first
prize, 7 for second prize and 11 for third prize).
During the conference, seven guest speakers gave
presentations concerning various cataloging issues, including “Information
organization and cataloging principles” by Prof. Songlin Wang, “An analysis of
differences in Chinese and Western library cataloging” by Ms. Qinfang Xie,
“Union cataloging of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences” by Mr. Guangxiang
Hu, “Digital resource organization and metadata standards” by Ms. Ping Fu, “From
‘Paris Principles’ to international cataloging code” by Mr. Ming Lin / Mr. Shaoping Wang and “IFLA Division IV and its activities” by Dr. Ben Gu who also
chaired the conference.
Besides, thirteen speakers gave their presentations submitted
to the conference, which focus on FRBR, FRAR, authority control, RDA, history of
Western cataloging thought, and other library cataloging practical issues.
The Library Supplement of the Xinhua Bibliography
published interviews of the guest speakers and made a feature report on the
current controversies on library cataloging rules.
A special feature worth mentioning is that some speakers
compared the differences of cataloging practices in different libraries, urged a
unique cataloging rule for all libraries in China, and appealed for democracy,
openness and multi-party participation in cataloging rule making.
As people know, library cataloging in China lacks
coordination in recent years. Although there are some rules jointly drafted by
some major libraries, they are not fully followed or followed according to
different ways of understanding. For example, there are controversies about the
selection of information sources for the description of edition area. Some
people think title page should be selected according to ISBD, while others think
colophon should be selected according to Chinese special characteristics.
Therefore, different rules result in different bibliographical records, and
users find it hard to determine right records from different cataloging
It is the first national conference specially on library
cataloging and with diversified participants from all kinds of libraries.
According to the recommendations of participants, the Library Society of China
plans to make more efforts for the nationwide coordination after the IME ICC4 in
Personally, I think it is a good opportunity for Chinese
library catalogers to rethink their practices and discuss the possibilities of
coordination. It would be a start for the cooperation of Chinese library
catalogers and the internationalization of Chinese cataloging rules. After a few
years, when the new International Cataloguing Principles, ISBD, RDA and other
international cataloging documents are released, a brand-new and
internationalized Chinese Library Cataloging Rules will appear.
SCATNews : Newsletter of the Standing Committee of the IFLA Cataloguing Section, ISSN 1022-9841, Number 25 (July 2006), p. 3.